North Pleasant Street Amehrst MA

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Other Democratic Town Committees meet regularly, have speakers, and send out troops to campaign where our calls, letters and canvassing make a difference.  The Amherst Dems need to be active because 2020 is critical. What can and should we do to chan...

Minutes - July 18, 2008

Minutes of the ADTC meeting held at the annual ADTC picnic on July 18th at the home of Rep. John and Rose Olver. Attendees included town committee members from other towns and delegates to the National Convention, including the representative of presidential candidate Hilary Clinton. Not having a quorum, no official business was conducted and the afternoon was full of merrymaking and interesting conversation.


Minutes of Annual ADTC Picnic — 18 July 2008

Home of Rep. John and Rose Olver, Amherst, MA

Many thanks to John and Rose Olver for graciously hosting the annual Amherst Democratic Town Committee picnic at their home again this year!

Drivers emerging from cars parked on the lush lemon thyme covering the slope before the Olvers' house caught a heady whiff of its pungent scent that Shakespeare seems to have loved.  Whether it is wild thyme or tame thyme, it set guests up for a fine party.

This year ADTC Chair Leo Maley and other ADTC officers expanded the guest list to include Town Committee members from neighboring towns, and the delegates to the National Convention.

Yes, the food smelled and tasted as good as always.  Conversations were vigorous.

When it was our traditional time for speeches, John had a novel and highly effective technique for ensuring brevity.   Being gone by dusk was essential to avoid a bear who made an evening habit of strolling out of the woods near the house.  The thought of a bear does focus the attention.

Having too good a time and not taking notes, I missed a lot of good lines.  But you know that it's always worthwhile in a number of ways to hear Rep. Olver's take on Washington; and those of Senator Stan Rosenberg and Rep. Ellen Story on Beacon Hill.

The National Convention rep for Hillary Clinton spoke effectively about the need for unity.  We've seen that working well.

Though the picnic was well attended.  Yet there appeared not to be a quorum of ADTC members at any one time.  So there was no attempt to have an official, even if bear-brief, meeting.

While storm clouds gathered, veteran political organizer Rose Olver and other alert picnicers whisked the serving dishes unobtrusively into the house. 

When the storm broke before the bear of evening had emerged, therefore all was dry and we hastened away in good order, glad to avoid both rain and bear.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah McKee, Scrivener